Day #7 of month of FAVES and I am MOST excited about this one!!!
Operation Freedom Feet!!
You are invited to make a difference in one woman’s life….
Imagine being a female soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan, wearing combat boots in over 100 degree temperatures day after day in a war zone.

If your family wants to sponsor one Freedom Feet Foot Kit that will be shipped to a female soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan, please visit:
Choose item T3920 to order a Foot Kit for a female soldier.
You may type in a personalized thank you from your family.
($24 includes the shipping cost to a soldier)
Thank you for making a difference in one woman’s life!
Here are some great letters and pictures from ladies who have received a Freedom Feet Kit!!
I was very excited when 30 boxes of “freedom feet” footcare kits arrived here at COB Speicher, Iraq last week. I have been handing them out to the women of the DSTB, 4th Infantry Division (Ft. Carson, CO) and feel like Santa Claus! They have been much appreciated.
Thank you so much for your generosity. The choice you made to minister to women in the army is so appreciated. LTC Julie Tullberg 4th ID
My name is Anne Thomas, however, I am guessing you already know me as you have now sent 7 boxes of foot care kits to Tallil, Iraq for my girls! Heidi
I just wanted to send a quick email and let you know I received the Freedom Feet Kits today. I started passing them out and the girls are so excited. Everyone said they smell so good and we are all ready for a nice foot soak, scrub and moisturizing. Our feet look pretty bad from wearing boots all day almost everyday for 12+ hours. When I get back to the states the pedicurist is going to turn me way when she sees my feet. Hopefully your products will give me a safe haven to prevent that.
Thanks again for your support for the troops.
Melissa Kin
I wanted to thank you myself for everything that you and Lemongrass does for the women of the Armed Forces. We may not always have time to say thank you but your gift is so appreciated and means the world to these girls. Days here are long and hot and a little bit of home to remember that we are in fact still "girls" wearing these boots is a wonderful way to end your day! Again thank you and thank you to Lemongrass for all of your support as we complete our mission here in Iraq!
V/R, Anne N. Thomas CPT, AV
Commanding "High Roller 6" 1-229th AVN Regt.
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